Friday 13 May 2011

What To Ponder When Searching For A Billiard Table

Search for Billiard Table

No matter if you are a consumer or a business owner, you can find a
billiard table to suit your needs. Today, there are many choices
available. What you prefer, along with your budget, will drive the
criteria of finding one that is a perfect match for you.
Cloth, or felt, covers the surface, and should be considered for
durability. If the target placement is for a home game room with
casual use, a synthetic nylon would be sufficient. However, for
general business use, an 80 percent wool and 20 percent nylon blend of
fabric is recommended to be used. This will cost a little more, but it
is of higher quality, and will endure longer.
Underneath the cloth lies a very important component, the table top
itself. For bars, game room furniture, and other businesses it is
recommended that one inch slate is used, as this is the most durable
and is very smooth. If the primary use will be in the home, half-inch
slate is appropriate. Although there are cheaper surfaces, such as
particle board or plastic, these tend to warp.
If the placement is targeted for a home or business, it makes no
difference, the rails should always be made of solid wood. You should
check to see if the bolts go all the way through the slate so that the
rail is secured in place if this is for business use. For superior
bounce, it is best to have cushions that have a K-66 profile and Grade
A rubber.
Leg quality is of utmost importance since the legs provide the most
support out of all the components. Legs should never be hollow.
Rather, for superior strength, solid hard wood is ideal. Also, the
legs should not simply support the frame, but rather should be
directly supporting the slate, especially for commercial placement.
The overall durability and quality is directly related to the
construction of the legs.
If your budget is of primary concern, and you can compromise a little
with durability, the overall frame construction can be made of a
veneer or laminate particle board base. However, choose solid hard
wood, as this is the best option. Bars and other businesses should not
compromise. Ideally, in those environments, it is recommended to use
metal enforced solid hard wood, for added endurance.
Size is of concern for both placing the table, as well as pleasing the
target gamers. The choices for size are gauged by length, from six all
the way up to nine feet. The smaller lengths are suitable for home
use, with the average being eight feet. Those that are nine feet in
length are used in tournaments by professionals. Whatever the choice,
be sure the room is large enough to accommodate not only the table,
but also room enough for people to actually play the game.
Selecting a billiard table is driven by cost, how often games will be
played, and personal preferences. All of the components have higher
quality more expensive options that are nice for home use, but
critical for placement in a bar or business. Slate coupled with solid
hard wood will provide the most durability and superior performance.
Never compromise on the quality of the legs, as they provide the
primary support for keeping the game in play. Finally, be sure the
intended game room is an appropriate size, without hindering the games
in anyway.

Search for indoor games table 

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